Cruise’s robotaxis have driven 1 million miles with nobody

Cruise, the self-driving car company owned by General Motors, recently announced a major milestone in autonomous vehicle technology. Their robotaxi fleet has successfully driven one million miles without any human intervention behind the wheel. This achievement marks a significant step forward in the development and deployment of self-driving cars, which could revolutionize the way we commute and travel.

Cruise's robotaxis have been operating on public roads in San Francisco since 2017, but until recently, they always had a human safety driver behind the wheel as a backup. In 2020, Cruise received permission from the California Department of Motor Vehicles to operate their vehicles without a human backup driver. Since then, their robotaxi fleet has been transporting passengers around San Francisco with nobody behind the wheel.

The one million miles driven by Cruise's robotaxis have been completed over the past two years, with an average of about 1,000 miles per day. During this time, the vehicles have encountered a wide range of real-world driving conditions, from crowded city streets to highways and bridges. According to Cruise, their vehicles have navigated these challenges with a high degree of safety and reliability.

Of course, there have been some hiccups along the way. Cruise has reported a handful of minor accidents and incidents involving their vehicles, although the company maintains that these were all caused by human error or other external factors. Nevertheless, the fact that Cruise's robotaxis have been able to log one million miles without any major incidents is a testament to the progress that has been made in autonomous vehicle technology.

The implications of this achievement are significant. Self-driving cars have the potential to reduce traffic congestion, improve road safety, and make transportation more efficient and accessible for everyone. They could also revolutionize the way we think about car ownership, as people may be more likely to use ride-sharing services or other forms of transportation if they don't need to drive themselves.

However, there are also concerns about the impact of autonomous vehicles on jobs, privacy, and cybersecurity. As more companies like Cruise invest in self-driving car technology, it's important to consider the broader implications and ensure that these vehicles are safe, secure, and equitable for all.

While there is still much work to be done, this achievement shows that self-driving cars are no longer just a futuristic concept—they are becoming a reality. The coming years will be critical for the development and deployment of autonomous vehicles, and we can expect to see more exciting milestones like this one as the technology continues to evolve.


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